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Test af Leje af Sliders (DA)

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Lej Slideres

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Test af job (DA)

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Test af job (EN)

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Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.

Test af kontakt (DA)

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Ved eventuelle klager, vedhæft venligst billeddokumentation af kvittering, mad eller andet relevant.

Test af kontakt (EN)

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Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
If you have any complaints, please attach photo documentation of the receipt, food or anything else relevant

Test af catering (DA)

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Bestil Catering

Ved bestillinger på under 60 sliders henviser vi bestilling via vores hjemmeside eller via wolt.

Privat eller virksomhed
Levering ønskes?

*I tilfælde af allergene spørgsmål eller tvivl om indhold, tjek menu side. Vær opmærksom på at nogle sliders kan vælges vegetariske. Ønskes dette kan du gøre opmærksom på hvor mange i kommentarfeltet.

For at sikre en fantastisk kvalitet, bruger vi thermokasser til at opbevare maden i, når den afsendes. Disse koster 150 kr. pr. stk. og er obligatorisk for køb af catering. De kan rumme op til 100 sliders pr. stk afhængigt af antallet af varianter.


Til store bestillinger anbefaler vi normalt ikke at man vælger meal deals som indeholder side orders.

Vi har stor interesse i at oplevelsen bliver en success og kan ikke garantere at vores pommes frites er lige så gode ved levering over 4 km væk, som de er ved spisning i restauranten. Vi anbefaler dog stadig minimum tre sliders pr. person som et måltid.

Vær opmærksom på der går 2-3 dage for svar.

Test af catering (EN)

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Order Catering

For orders of less than 60 sliders or 20 menus, please order via our website or via wolt.

Private or Company
Delivery service?

*In case of allergen questions or doubts about content, check the menu page. Please note that some sliders can be chosen vegetarian. If you would like this, please specify how many in the comments section.

In addition, the purchase of thermal boxes for the food is mandatory and costs 150DKK incl. VAT per box, which can hold up to 100 sliders.


For large orders we do not recommend you choose meal deals as they contain side orders.

It is our goal that your experience is fantastic, and cannot guarantee that our fries we be as good as the burgers, once they travel more than 4 kilometers time.

Please note that you will quickly receive an auto-reply with an offer and this email must be answered before the order is placed.